Friday 25 March 2011

Ten Creative New Uses For Old Tennis Balls

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Millions of tennis and pingpong balls get produced every year, only to be thrown away shortly after they are bought. Tennis balls are probably the most difficult of any kind of sports ball to recycle, as the rubber used is not biodegradable.

However, about 300 million balls are produced each year, contributing to some 20,000 metric tons of rubber waste. Just what is there to do with so many used and unwanted tennis balls? Here are 10 creative uses that could be easily replicated at home.

(thanks Ritu)

2 comment(s):

Ima said...

LOVE! Repurposed stuff makes my heart beat a little faster. So clever.

cannon said...

Easiest is to recycle them with reBounces - the only company in the world that has a tennis ball recycling program.

Additionally, tennis facilities can purchase our Green Tennis Machine and literally put the bounce back in their tennis balls when the balls begin to loose their punch.


- Cannon