Saturday 15 January 2011

Earth Rotation Changes Zodiac Signs

If you're the type of person who relies on mysterious-sounding locations of stars to determine your personality and outcome in life, get ready to be shocked. Astronomer Parke Kunkle of the Minnesota Planetarium Society found that because of the moon's gravitational pull on Earth, the alignment of the stars was pushed by about a month.

Therefore the dates of many zodiac signs have changed. Your astrological sign is determined by the position of the sun on the day you were born, so that means everything you thought you knew about your horoscope is wrong. I used to be a Virgo, but now I'm a Leo.

2 comment(s):

Unknown said...

Here's where I'm confused. If the sign of the Zodiac corresponds to the date & time one is born and an individual was born under virgo sign. Would they not remain under that sign since that was the sign of precedence at the time of their birth?

Anonymous said...

Your sign has not changed. You were born under that sign you are still that sign. In addition, this sign has always existed in the lesser known of the two Zodiacs. Most people adhere to Tropical (or Western) Zodiac which is unaffected because it relies on the seasons, not the rotation of the Earth.