Monday 6 December 2010

Paper Airplane Released From Space Flutters Back To Earth

British amateur space buffs have launched a paper airplane from space. The plane, which was made from paper straws and had a 3-foot wingspan, was carried as high as 90,000 feet before the helium balloon that carried it finally popped, releasing the plane to glide elegantly back to Earth.

The British team (Steve Daniels, John Oates and Lester Haines) that designed it equipped the plane with a camera, and it took some stunning first-person video as it fluttered back to Earth. Although it's a bit dizzying in parts, one segment of the flight can be viewed in a video on the site.

(via Look At This...)

5 comment(s):

Sue Dunham said...

Someone is confusing wild tail spin with "elegant gliding"

Anonymous said...

Someone else is confusing irony with literalism.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

..."releasing the plane to glide elegantly back to Earth."

or not.

Anonymous said...

"..."releasing the plane to glide elegantly back to Earth."

or not."

If it needs pointing out again: El Reg is a British website, the British are well known for their sense of irony. El Reg probably more than most. If you don't have well tuned irony radar I suggest you stay well clear of The Register and anything connected to it. You really will have a hard time getting it. Some of the commentards above would do well to remember that.