Friday 31 December 2010

Black Devil - Moscow Ride On Yamaha R1

A motorcyclist high-speed 25-mile ride through Moscow traffic. There are a lot of these videos to be found on YouTube. And it seems that some people find this exciting and amazing. I find it unbelievably dangerous and stupid.

YouTube link

(thanks Christian)

8 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Actually, we(including me, i watched it too) shouldn´t watch this video, because it propperbly encourages these people to continue making such things and tape them.
I hope next time he rides his bike at the countryside where no-one is around he could endanger, he crashes into a tree and breaks a leg or two.

Anonymous said...

If it's unbelievably dangerous and stupid why do you post it then?

Custopootimus said...

And I thought Rhode Island had bad drivers...

Gerard said...

I post it to show how unbelievable dangerous and stupid this is.

pissed off said...

I agree. This shouldn't be posted. I hope that sick fuck ends up in one of Russia's notorious jails. Better yet, end his life on an empty road and rip his head off while colliding with a tree.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was awesome, better than a roller coaster!

Anonymous said...

ahah HELL YEH, the future of pizza delivery...

Anonymous said...

I think this is skill year of riding a bike and on some instants the video was fast forward however why do you buy a bike if you are going to sit in traffic if some of the speeds are true and he should hit something,he wont break a leg he will go staright to the morgary and it will only be him alone