Monday 8 November 2010

Jessica Cox, The First Pilot With No Arms

Jessica Cox from Tuscon, Arizona, USA, suffered a rare birth defect and was born without any arms. None of the prenatal tests her mother took showed there was anything wrong with her. And yet she was born with this rare congenital disease, but also with a great spirit.

The psychology graduate can write, type, drive a car, brush her hair and talk on her phone simply using her feet. Miss Cox is also a former dancer and double black belt in Tai Kwon-Do. And now she got the Sport Pilot certificate and became the first pilot licensed to fly using only her feet.

Jessica Cox's website.

2 comment(s):

Manuel said...

We are lucky, and we don't now it. That a mesasage for everyone. this Cox women is a fighter.

Betsy said...

would we think she was special if she wasn't cute? I mean.... she accomplished a lot, but would we give attention to her if she was plain, or ugly.....