Shweeb Monorail Technology, a compant from New Zealand, has an idea for a bicycle monorail. Riding above the traffic jams on multi-level rails people could move around the city quickly and safely.
By integrating the unique properties of monorail and recumbent cycle technologies, Shweeb delivers a personal, efficient, and cost-effective transport solution with applications for urban commuting, recreational and fitness markets.
6 comment(s):
But what if you get stuck behind somebody who's going slow? Would that create a bicycle-monorail-traffic jam?
Sweaty stinky capsules.
Bicycle? Does it have two wheels?
That's as dumb as when people say "quad bike" and actually mean "quadracycle".
It's brilliant as soon as the monorail has passing and 'switching" capabilities.
Facinating and truly innovative. I would love to see these in our cities.
I think it's stupid. With my luck I'd get stuck behind some fat businessman who JUST STARTED HIS DIET AND EXERCISE program and thinks he'll bike ride home... at two miles an hour.
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