Monday 9 August 2010

Women Prefer Men In Red

Men on the prowl for a date may want to add red to their wardrobe. A new study shows red is no longer just a sexy color for women. Men in red are considered just as appealing. Women consider men in red as higher in status and more likely to climb the social ladder, according to a psychology study from the University of Rochester.

It seems the perception of high status is what leads to the attraction. However, researchers said, the color only enhanced perceptions of status and romance, but not did not make the man seem more likable and kind.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

How odd, I hung out with a friend who normally is not that attractive to me and he was wearing a red shirt and I started looking at him in a new light. I thought it was just a good color for him, apparently it's a good color for men in general!