Neatorama, in cooperation with The Presurfer is giving 4 Presurfer readers the chance to win a free gift. Neatorama is one of my favorite blogs and one of the best sites out there. Last Monday they hit a milestone: they published their 25,000th post. To celebrate, Neatorama has a give-away for their readers.
But because The Presurfer and Neatorama are good friends, Alex, founder of Neatorama, was so kind as to let me know that he invites you, Presurfer readers, to celebrate with them.
Here's what you got to do. Go to Neatorama, check out the site, (it really is a great site) then go to Neatorama's NeatoShop and take a good look around. There are t-shirts, bath and body products, computer gadgets, kitchen stuff, party supplies, toys, and much more.
After you've done browsing the shop, come back here and tell me (in the comments) what free gift you would like to receive. You can have anything you want (with free shipping) as long as the total is $25 or less. Four Presurfer readers will have the chance to receive a free gift.

Here are the basic rules:
The Neatorama give-away will start today and end on Sunday, April 11, at midnight GMT. The 4 winners will be drawn by a True Random Number Service and announced on Monday morning, April 12.
Tell me what you want from the NeatoShop in the comments on this blog. Don't forget your email address so I can reach you if you win.
1 Shipment to each winner.
In stock items only, no rain check - if the item is out of stock, it can be replaced with another.
Not a credit (so you can't buy a $50 item and use $25 as credit towards the purchase).
Don't publish your postal address in the comments, you will be contacted by Neatorama if you are one of four winners.
80 comment(s):
Hi I'm Davey Szabó and I follow your blog like every day!!!
The item I would want from Neatorama is this "Robot USB Hub" which cost 18:95$ you can find it here http://www.neatoshop.com/product/Robot-USB-Hub
My e-mail is:
Davey Szabó
I'll go for the GUITAR SPATULA.
Craig - CraigNewell@hotmail.com
Hi Gerard! I hope you are adjusting to living on the day shift. Have you noticed any big differences?
I love the Thesaurus T-shirt. You can reach me by posting a comment at my blog. Thanks!
Ooo, I like the Stone Cold Ice Tray....
Hi, I would like the Human Head 3D Anatomy Model & Puzzle.
I'd like the corona beer tumbler.
The Mythbusters Busted tshirt rocks!
I would like Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult T-shirt (size M)
Dalibor - dpecikoza@gmail.com
Hi Gerard,
Love your blog and Neatorama so this is great. I'd love the Polluted Glassware.
Hammer Bottle Opener can be quite handy.
I'm already a big Neatorama fan. I think I'd want the Amped Up Coffee Mug. It would look cool in my husband's recording studio.
You're right! Neatorama is way cool and now on my list of sites to visit. I would love to win the 3 x 3 motherboard frame to give as a gift to the wonderful IT guy who donates his time so generously to the non-profit (Habitat for Humanity Desert Foothills) I work for. www.satisfiedsole.com
Love the site.
I would like 2 Port-A-Pint Beer Glasses (7.95 ea) and a Gin and Titonic Ice Tray (6.95)
Summer drinks here I come.
Hi Presurfer, thanks this is keen. I love Neatorama, been following them on Twitter awhile now.
So much cool stuff, but I think I'm-a gonna hafta go with the with Samurai umbrella. Living in Vancouver, it's impossible to go without a brolly, and at least with that one I can show some honor in the rain. Thanks!
I would like
Condiment Gun
Neatorama is the other blog that I check daily. I am interested in the Half and Calf creamer dispenser.
Really 'Neat-O'!
There is so much to choose from!
I love the bucky-balls, but they're over the limit...
So, I will pick the Stone Cold Ice Tray.
Hi Gerard!
I have just started reading Presurfer, and LOVE it! The DRIFT blog, is one of my favorites...
If I win I would love the
" Im not a Paper Cup" Coffee Cup
Contact me at karlaramirez88@yahoo.com!!!
I love me some neatorama and have been lusting for the polluted glasses nothing like polluting my body from a polluted glass.
Hi..I would love the 3 x 3 recycled motherboard frame. Thanks
email -shervey9@yahoo.com
Hello !!
I came across your blog and loved it, as the selection of items shown on the Neatorama SHOP!!! love ittttt
here my selection of items for less than 25 dollars, wouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
Egg Salt and Pepper Shakers
Finn Salt & Pepper Shakers
Yummy Pockets - Cookie
reach me @ kcrepbinstcrew@hotmail.com
I read your blog almost every day--great stuff!
The things from the Neato-shop that caught my eye are the recycled motherboard pen
and these math t-shirts
I have been admiring the Thesaurus t-shirt (9.95) for some time now, and the Pac-Man candies (11.95) are just adorable. Throw in a corn dog air freshener (2.95) to bring the total up to 24.85
^_^ The Robot USB Hub is fantastic!
I follow both both blogs everyday and they're both wonderful..so is free stuff..
My Best-
Danna DuBois
Oh boy, free stuff! I'll just paste my letter to Santa.
I would like a Hadron Collider t-shirt, with an extra $2 for size XXL (grey).
I would LOVE to the Come to the Dark Side -- We have cookies tshirt! In a size small.
Yay! Free stuff potential!
I'd love the "I survived the Large Hadron Collider" tshirt in a Ladies' medium!
You're my second stop of every moring, Presurfer. I don't tell you that enough. :)
buckyballs please!
Hi Mr. Presurfer! I'd like to get the "Polluted Glass" + the "Gin and Titonic Ice Tray" because both are just totally awesome! :D
My Email: wagnermar@uni-koblenz.de
Thanks a lot! :)
Hi Gerard,
The item I would want from Neatorama is this "That's How I Roll" T-shirt size EX
email jcostigan@woh.rr.com
John Costigan
I think the Record Coasters would look wonderful on my desk. I'll put in my name for those! :)
(wlc540 at yahoo.com)
OOOOH! What a fun shop!
I would choose the guitar spatula and the polluted glass. If the guitar spatula was still out of stock, I'd substitute the food face place.
So much great stuff!
stephanie_a_fisher at hotmail dot com
Those steel ball things are cool too. Too bad they are just out of range of the contest! Yikes!
And being an idiot in regard to the Psycho Shower Curtain...
I like the Shredsors scredding scissors. I've never seen those before! I could use those. sundownsound@yahoo.com
In the Neatorama Give-Away - I really dig the Stone Cold Ice Tray.
The ad claims it's the moai way to chill drinks, and I can think of nothing more tasteful than frozen replicas of Easter Island statues floating in the beverage of my choice.
Besides, why pass up an opportunity in life to get a head?
Gerard, my daily internet browsing always begins with a visit to The Presurfer. I'm honored to say "Thank You" for the time and labor you spend keeping each visit to your website an excellent experience.
I seriously need an inflatable turkey.
I love Neatorama! I love Presurfer too! You guys are my top daily reads - yup, I read you before I read anything else.
I love the spinner heart paperwork from the Neatorama shop.
Keep the good news comin'. Thanks.
Hi Gerard,
I'd love a recycled motherboard photo frame :)
mark - claireandmark@xtra.co.nz
Fisticup, definitely.
griner at gmail dot com
Thanks...the writers block (note pad) ,Corona Tumbler, and the stone pale ale tumbler
Wizard of Oz t-shirt, regular t-shirt (not ladies), size XL, suggested green color.
The first line in your story is wrong. There is no such thing as a 'free gift'. All gifts are free or they would not be gifts.
Geez Presurfer, I always wanted my very own silver playing cards...
Big fan of your blog! That being said, I can practically see myself sporting that Neatoramabot Teeshirt in the suggested color of Dark Grey size medium being the envy of all whom I survey. :)
Love Presurfer and Neatorama
keeping this short,I like the items
No give away is too small so I am asking for the MonKEYS Key Cover @ $4.95
I like the bomb tea light holder. My email address is udoliv2@yahoo.com. Thanks.
Glad I got turned on to your blog a few weeks ago. Big fan.
I'd like the Robot USB Hub in Red.
I would LOVE to have the silver playing cards. It would make cribbage that much better.
Thanks for all the work you do to keep the presurfer the best blog out there.
Gin and Tonic ice tray:
I get the Netoramamail and didn't know about this.
I want everything in the shop, no, no, no, I want two of everything in the shop in case one breaks, no, no, no make that three of everything in the shop, then I can store one set in the celler and then sell it years later (still in the original cling-film) for tons and tons of cash on e-bay!
But hey if you cant do that, I'm easy.
The 3D Head thingy is cool. (err please?).
Pandora's Box Secret Storage please!
I'd love to get the Pizza Boss 3000. Awesome.
I'd like the 'not a paper cup' for 15.95, and the 'gin and titonic' ice cube tray at 6.45, total <25.00 Great site, fun stuff.
I'd totally go for the Pandora's Box Secret Storage.
Now, let me work my voodoo so you will pick me. Ohhm. Ohhm. Viola!
Most definitely The Condiment-Gun!
what a fabulous idea, and thanks to neatorama for the chance to win
i'd like the Bling Pop Ice Mold for my granddaughters!!!
rudy @ r937.com
would love to get Winestein Beer and Wine Glass
love both your sites!
rimamir (at) aol (dot) com
I really love funny t-shirts xD
In men's medium, chocolate.
Hi there! I love your site, and I love Neatorama...thanks for posting this contest! I would love to win the Tea Cupcakes as I love cooking :)
My email is: melissaearleen@yahoo.co.uk
Hi, I´d definitly like the 3-d "skull and bones" T-Shirt, size m in black.
Link is:
My e-mailL: sbrehm@gmx.de
Keep up the good work, thanks and cheers,
I love the easter island ice cubes!
I'd like to win the Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Beer Bottle Tumbler.
Thanks, Kevin K. - kevo152@netzero.com
I would like the Buckyballs.
Neatorama and Presurfer are two of the three feeds on my RSS that I try to read every day. I appreciate so much the humor (and actual information) that you bring into my life.
If I could have anything (under $25) from the Neatorama store, it would be the "Mmmm...pi" shirt (in size L).
Thanks, Wren
As reader of both blogs I would choose a Double Bastard Tumbler.
Pickle Lip Balm
my email is masha@delfi.lt
Angry Mob Playset for this daily reader!
mark dot keeney @ gmail dot com
(hoping that spambots can't figure that one out, yet you can)
This is what I want :) just for office
hi ,
i would like to have Fisticup!
my email is
BTW wonderful site!
Hi Gerard!
I'd like the Polluted Glass!
Hi! Thanks for running this contest. I also love Neatorama and have been following them (and you) for years. If chosen, I would like to receive the "Pandora's Box Secret Storage" box which can be found here: http://www.neatoshop.com/product/Pandoras-Box-Secret-Storage
Thanks again.
- Jackie Dunn
Hi Gerard! It's great that you've teamed up with neatorama for a draw, I love both your blogs.
If I win I'd like an I'm not a Paper Cup cup and a couple Cable Monkey Cable Organizers. Hope I win :D
Jane - jane.burger@gmail.com
Hey Gerard!
I am in love with the "Enter Key Doormat"
Would be perfect for my new doorstep!
I've wanted the Fuzzy Crime Scene Scarf for as long as I can remember! I'd love to win that one!
I don't want anything from The Presurfer and Neatorama . the Neatorama is banned in my country but am try to check your cool sites every week .
I just want to say thanks and peace
"Ali" from Iran
The "Enter Key Doormat", perfect for home and office! :)
hi gerald. if i win, i would like the 'avenging unicorn playset' and the 'zombie pet shoppe playset' ...
the combined cost of these is just under $25 , so i'm hoping that's how it works.....if not, either one would be great...
anyways, thanks for giving me some good random stuff to look at each day....-d
Ninja Clock for my boy please. Thanks much Presurfer and Neatorama and more power to you guys!
Bucky Balls for me please!
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