Sunday 25 April 2010

Blocking Delicious Smells Could Lead To Longer Lifespans

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Dieters know the powerful temptations of just seeing or smelling food. Certain odors might have such a strong effect as to actually change the body's metabolism and lead to an early grave. At least, that's the case for fruit flies on a diet.

Scientists have known that low-calorie diets can lengthen the lives of yeast, fruit flies and monkeys. One study also showed that blocking the sense of smell in roundworms extended their lives. Another conducted by the University of Michigan and Baylor College showed that wafting the tasty smell of live yeast in front of dieting fruit flies shortened their lives.

1 comment(s):

Barbwire said...

If I have to give up delightful aromas to live longer, then I chose not to live longer.