Monday 2 November 2009

Real-Life Harry Potter Says That Sharing The Wizard's Name Has Made His Life A Misery

His name is Harry Potter. But he's not a wizard. He lives in Portsmouth, UK, and being a real-life Harry Potter is not quite as magical as it might seem.

He says: My life has changed completely since the books were written. At first I thought it might be quite a good thing to have the same name. But now it is like someone has cast a bad spell on me, the reactions I get from people range from making fun to plain aggressive. Sometimes I wish JK Rowling had never used my name.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

The guy should feel fortunate his mum didn't name him Fuzzy Bum.

r4i software said...

I like this article but..
last night i went to the midnight premiere of harry potter and the half blood prince! I was honestly so disappointed! was it just me or did it seem very choppy and for some reason didn't feel like it was a harry potter movie. Don't get me wrong some of the parts in it were either really funny or somewhat scary but i really was not satisfied. I don't know, what did you think?? Am i wrong? Give me your opinions..