Saturday 3 October 2009

Why Cry Baby Analyzer

Controlling the cries of an inconsolable baby is one of the first true tests any parent goes through. It's one of those things that will keep you up all night regardless of which sleep medication you prefer.

The Why Cry Baby Analyzer is the baby monitor of your dreams. Its advanced frequency analysis technology only needs 20 seconds to let you know why your child is screaming to the heavens. Whether your baby is Stressed, Sleepy, Annoyed, Bored or Hungry, this device will identify it on its LCD screen.

1 comment(s):

@UKDad said...

Interesting, but unlikely the dog bark analyser, this is a socially irresponsible gadget that can't possibly work with any degree of accuracy. Imagine some geek Dad not feeding a hungry baby because the device says the baby is bored. In my experience as a Dad of 3, babies almost always cry because they are hungry or uncomfortable. @ukdad