Wednesday 9 September 2009

Monopoly City Streets

Google is teaming up with board game maker Hasbro to launch a Google Maps version of Monopoly. Monopoly City Streets allows users to compete in a live, worldwide version of the popular game, creating the biggest Monopoly tournament ever played. The game is launched today.

On the 9th September, a world of property empire building on an unimaginable scale will be launched! A live worldwide game of Monopoly using Google Maps as the game board. The goal is simple. Play to beat your friends and the world to become the richest property magnate in existence.

Own any street in the world. Build humble houses, crazy castles and stupendous skyscrapers to collect rent. Which strategy will you employ? Determined drive? Ingenious daring? Intelligent caution? Will you thrive under the pressure of a fast growing global property empire - or will you crumble? Find out if you'll thrive, or even survive, in the amazing world of Monopoly City Streets.

4 comment(s):

Isa Lube said...

Great, I think it’s a great idea. I always loved to play Monopoly when I was a kid and would love to try in online.

edelwater said...

YES! I have got the main property I wanted to own: the most important square in the city and I managed to buy my streets:

BUT MY VIRUSSCANNER gives suddenly a warning about the Nutcracker Virus in one of the URLS is the site already hacked? See url above for screenshot of virus message.

Tyler Olson said...

looking forward to the reset when they work out the problems and the cheaters are gone.


ianh said...

I agree about the cheaters - and the reset. How can people have portfolios worth billions already? Doesn;t make it worth joining. We're all a bit miffed this end!