Friday 4 September 2009

Egg Within An Egg

Ovum in Ovo is a phenomenon where there's an egg inside an egg. It occurs when an egg is pushed back up the oviduct by contraction of the oviduct muscles. The egg may get pushed back as far as the magnum before it encounters the next egg coming down the system.

(via Neatorama)

4 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

This looks so fake. But i looked it up and the phenomenon was published back in the 1880s. . .so the condition at least exists, but the video still looks fake.

Anonymous said...

It is fake. The "trick" occurs when he conveniently blocks the camera with his left hand. You are supposed to believe this was an accident, but it wasn't. It was necessary to complete the illusion.

Anonymous said...

It's still a big egg. A big egg. The big egg is big.

NotMarian said...

It's not fake.