Thursday 11 June 2009


The Twitpocalypse is similar to the Y2K bug. Very soon the unique identifier associated to each tweet will exceed 2,147,483,6471, which is a the limit of a signed integer. For some of your favorite third-party Twitter services not designed to handle such a case, the sequence will suddenly turn into negative numbers. At this point, they are very likely to malfunction or crash.

When will the Twitpocalypse happen? That will probably be next Monday, June 15, 2009. This date is a rough approximation, please do not schedule any vacation around that date.

4 comment(s):

Pam Walter said...

This is too funny! I heard this week that they have discovered that 90% of the tweets are left by only 10% of the Twitter users. Perhaps its demise won't be felt by so many people after all.

Unknown said...

that was fast

NotMarian said...

bwah ha ha ha ha! I can't wait!

Brendan said...

You'll be pleased to know that our Twitter Stick App was not affected at all: