Wednesday 7 January 2009

Gapminder World Chart

Gapminder published a different kind of world map in November last year. The directions are not North and South, but Healthy and Sick, and not West and East, but Rich and Poor.

The chart was produced in 2008 but the data is from 2006, showing information from the UN Statistics Division, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and others sources.

When you click on the map you will be shown a pdf document.

(via Google Blogoscoped)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Something tells me Iceland's position isn't up to date anymore.

Chad Cloman said...

Both axes of the chart are logarithmic. So I think that means the linear relationship would still hold, but that a standard graph would extend the diagonal by quite a bit, with lots of countries clustered near the origin.

I would almost go so far as to say the chart is misleading because of the logarithmic scale.