Most urban dwellers are used to the sight of vending machines on their streets and have become accustomed to buying drinks, newspapers and cigarettes from them.
However, in Japan, this form of selling has been taken to its possibly illogical extreme. Take a look into the strange world of the Japanese vending machine.
(via Robert-John)
4 comment(s):
Urban dwellers are used to the sight [not site] of vending machines.
Also, you should either omit the commas in the second sentence or put them, if you must use them, around possibly only.
WRONG: ...taken to its, possibly illogical, extreme.
RIGHT: ...taken to its possibly illogical extreme.
SOMEWHAT RIGHT: ...taken to its, possibly, illogical extreme.
Holy crap, you're complaining about grammar? Geeze, get a life. It's the internet for God's sake. Gerard does a great job with the Presurfer.
I have a perfectly good life, thank you very much.
I probably wouldn't have mentioned the commas if Gerard hadn't also used the wrong word in the first sentence. Site has a different meaning from sight, so my suggestion that Gerard use site has nothing to do with grammar, it has to do with accurate writing. And writing should be accurate, whether it's on a web site or on paper.
And I know Gerard does a great job. I only post this sort of comment when I feel the work is otherwise of hiqh quality.
Thanks Brian for your kind words.
I'm not offended when someone points me to the mistakes I make. I can only learn from them. But please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
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