Thursday 7 August 2008

The Blog Readability Test

To read a blog you need some level of education. For some you need a junior high school level, for others you need a college level, and there are blogs where elementary school is enough.

According to The Blog Readabilty Test you have to be a genius to read The Presurfer.

(via Beyond The Noise)

6 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I saw that blog readability thing recently and its quite interesting.

Anonymous said...

and here i thought i was an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I would say it neutralizes your "genius level intellect" if you actually take the blog readability test very seriously... ;)

Anonymous said...

"To read a blog you need some level of education."

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha- (breathe) -hahahahaha. Funny stuff.

Gerard said...

Is that the laugh of a genius, fandango, or the laugh of a mad scientist?

Anonymous said...

Many thanks.