Thursday 22 May 2008

Website Grader

Website Grader is a free SEO tool that measures the marketing effectiveness of a website. It provides a score that incorporates things like search engine data, website traffic, website structure, social popularity and other technical factors.

Of course, The Presurfer has nothing to do with marketing whatsoever, but I decided to enter anyway. And lo and behold, this site scored a website grade of 98.7.

Meaning that of the hundreds of thousands of websites that have previously been evaluated by Website Grader, The Presurfer scores higher than 98.7% of them in terms of its marketing effectiveness. Strange but true.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

It was grading your redirect, Blogspot, not you.

Gerard said...

The fact that this site is hosted on blogspot has some influence, but not very much.

I entered the url's of some other sites hosted on blogspot and they got grades as high as 24%, 41.5%, and 68%.