Wednesday 27 February 2008

Hair Particle Drawing Generator

With the Hair Particle Drawing Generator you can create your own Hairy Drawings. Images with good contrast work best, and there are some rudimentary controls that allow you to lighten lights, darken darks and bump contrast.

You can press the load image button which will allow you to copy and paste the url of any image on the internet to create a hair particle drawing of. Be patient the hair may take several minutes to grow into a recognizable image.

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Windows only :(

Anonymous said...

It's rather rude of you to keep on showing disrespectful pictures of the leader of my country. He represents my country and you are being disrespectful to all Americans regardless of their politics or yours.

Anonymous said...

pishtosh. It's my country, too.

Have at 'em, Presurfer. Disrespect for this bungling, dishonest failure of a president is not a reflection on all Americans, just the boobs that voted for him and the 17% of the population that still support him.