Tuesday 1 January 2008

The Legend Of Cliff Young

Every year, Australia hosts an 544 miles endurance racing from Sydney to Melbourne - considered to be the world’s longest and toughest ultra-marathon. In 1983 a guy named Cliff Young showed up. At first, no one cared about him since everybody thought he was there to watch the event. After all, he was 61 years old, showed up in overalls and galoshes over his work boots.

As Cliff walked up to the table to take his number, it became obvious to everybody he was going to run. He was going to join a group of 150 world-class athletes and run. When the marathon started, the pros left Cliff behind in his galoshes. The crowds smiled because he didn't even run correctly. Instead of running, he appeared to run leisurely, shuffling like an amateur.

In the end, he won first place, breaking the race record by 9 hours and became a national hero. The Legend of Cliff Young.

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