Saturday 1 December 2007

How Scrooge Are You?

Christmas comes but once a year, is that too often for you? Are you more jeer than cheer this Christmas? Take this test and find out how much Scrooge you have in you this holiday season!

I don't consider myself a Scrooge so I don't know where the 11% comes from.

How Scrooge Are You?

(thanks Margaret)

4 comment(s):

Miss Cellania said...

I was stumped by the question "Have you ever bought gifts at a gas station?" There is no option for "No"!

Gotinha said...

I'm 17%.... am I a bad person?!
Will Santa give me presents this year??!


Dave said...

I'd have beat the 35% I got if they'd asked the right questions.

Anonymous said...

I was expecting to score 100%; I don't do christmas. But that was not an option in the answers.