Tuesday 6 March 2007


Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest. Currently there are 294 maps and PDF posters available. In a couple of weeks this number will increase to 366 maps.

Here's a map depicting human poverty.

Poverty is not just a financial state. Being poor affects life in many ways. The human poverty index uses indicators that capture non-financial elements of poverty, such as life expectancy, adult literacy, water quality, and children that are underweight. The highest human poverty index scores are in Central Africa, the lowest are in Japan.

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

Kemiskinan bukan hanya keadaan keuangan. Menjadi miskin memengaruhi kehidupan dalam banyak hal. Indeks kemiskinan manusia menggunakan indikator yang menangkap unsur kemiskinan non-finansial, seperti harapan hidup, melek huruf orang dewasa, kualitas air, dan anak-anak yang kekurangan berat badan. Skor indeks kemiskinan manusia tertinggi berada di situs prediksi bola Afrika Tengah, terendah di Jepang.