Tuesday 6 March 2007

The 'Who Would You Be In 1400 AD Test'

What if you lived more than six hundred years ago? What kind of person would you be most like? Find out with this test.

The Knight! You scored 59% Knight, 42% Cardinal, 38% Monk and 30% Lady. You are the hero. Brave and bold. You are strong and utterly selfless. You are also a pawn to your superiors and will be lucky if you live very long. If you survive the Holy wars you are thrust into you will be praised for your valor and opportunities both romantic and financial will become available to you.

The 'Who Would You Be In 1400 AD Test.'

(via raincoaster)

6 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I have often thought about the nerds that play D&D. They like to profess how if they were born back then, they would be Knights and what not. My belief is, you would be the same person you are now. If you are not a General in the U.S. Army now what makes you think you would be a Knight.

Anonymous said...

I don't like reistering all the time; meh!

Toby said...

At first glance I thought it would say I was saintly.

Cardinal - You are the real power behind the throne. No one dares dispute or refuse you. Which is good because that's how you get things done. You are also, however, completely corrupt and highly immoral. This doesn't bother you in the least as you lounge around your rich comfortable surroundings, reveling in wealth and authority.

You don't need to register for anything.

czeltic girl said...

Apparently I'm a harlequin: "You are a mystery, a jack-of-all-trades. You have the king's ear, but also listen to murmurings of the common folk. You believe in the value of force and also literature. Truly you are the puzzlement of the age."

Oh, I'm a puzzlement, all right.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of someone being a Harlequin; good gracious, I don't think they even had those until the Renaissance! But perhaps the quiz was poorly translated from the Latin of a Celtic hermit, and he meant Jester.

Either way, nifty result.

Thanks for the link, by the way!

eedetik said...

Anda adalah pahlawannya. Berani dan berani. Anda kuat dan sama sekali tidak mementingkan diri sendiri. Anda juga bidak bagi atasan Anda dan akan beruntung jika Anda hidup sangat lama. Jika Anda selamat dari perang suci yang Anda dorong ke dalam Anda akan dipuji karena keberanian situs prediksi bola Anda dan peluang baik romantis dan keuangan akan tersedia untuk Anda.