Google Blogoscoped has an article about a hack that lets you
zoom in much more deeply onto Google Maps.
Select a location and switch to satellite view. Zoom in as far as you can, and click 'link to this page' at the top right. Now replace the 'z' parameter in the URL with a higher value, e.g. 20, 22, or 23, and wait. Some locations will now show more detailed imagery.
3 comment(s):
Love it! Much better than Microsoft's aerial photos.
Here's the corner of Flamingo and Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas NV,-123.350823&sspn=0.002061,0.005407&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=21&ll=36.114115,-115.172655&spn=0.001255,0.002704&t=k&om=1&iwloc=addr
Oops, URL is too long, but it definitely works for Las Vegas!
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