Wednesday 7 March 2007

Instant Universe Ownership

The most exciting part about our universes is that you determine exactly what they are like. There are no limits and no restrictions as to what your universe can be. If you would like to be married to your favourite film star or you want a universe where there are no wars that's exactly what you'll get. You will receive a sumptuous leather bound booklet with all the information you provide us about your universe and you can go into as much (or as little) detail as you like!

Any day a scientific breakthrough in quantum physics may occur that allows you to travel to your universe, through a wormhole for example. This is not fantasy but accepted science.

(via Reality Carnival)

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

Mana-mana hari terobosan saintifik dalam fizik kuantum mungkin berlaku yang membolehkan anda melakukan perjalanan ke alam semesta anda, melalui lubang lubang misalnya. Ini bukan fantasi tetapi diterima situs prediksi bola sains.