Don't be silly! Of course they don't!
Or, do they?
What appears to be the mummified remains of a fairy have been discovered in the Derbyshire countryside... The remains were discovered by a local man, who wishes to remain anonymous, while walking his dog along an old Roman road situated between the villages of Duffield and Belper...
The remains, complete with wings, skin, teeth and flowing red hair have been examined by anthropologists and forensic experts who can confirm that the body is genuine.
21 comment(s):
What is that thing?
Is it April Fools Day tomorrow?
Well, no one has said it yet, so I will: That IS NOT a fairy. Fairies are approximately 1/5 that size. And if its body was in that state of decay the wings would have rotted away. Sheesh.
whatever it was, it was probably mummified in a peat bog. Mummies from those look similar to this [except, you know, more than a foot tall >.>]
Oh fOr christs sake
hOw dO any Of yOu knOw what an actaul fairy lOoks like
it cOuld be One
am nOt saying I believe in them but still Or this picture
as there are nOt actually any prOof or phOtOs which shOw what fairies lOok like
sO dOnt gO judging these phOtOs on what yOu think fairies lOok like just beaause yOu have seen them in fairyTALES !!
i would have to see one in real life to beleive it but then again i really dont know what to beleive
That is stupid. The wings look like leaves. Shut up.
i think fairies a real for though's who don't fuck offf they are real so just deal with it
well i dont know how a fairy look like but i dont really think that is a real fairy 'cuz fairies are invisible and they are abstract so thats it
continue with ur lives and stop losin ur time
I am sorry to tell you what you all think this is but it isnt. I have been studying and reserching fairy folk for years and that is no fairy. I t is what is known as a pixie. I am 100% sure. I can tell the difference between all fairy folk stright away and I can tell you that that is a pixie. Anyone who commented on this saying these creatures arnt real, you are very mistaken.
ppl stop wasting your precious time reading trying to verify the credibility of this non sense....and Yes, i did say NON SENSE!!
Please check out the following link:
I do believe in Fairies 100% but I think that is a pixie because pixies are a little bigger than Fairies, well a pixie is a type of fairy, I believe, but what i mean is that pixies are bigger than an average fairy. Oh and by the way I think I would Know Because i have been studying fairies for almost half of my life, and I'AM PROUD TO SAY I'M ONLY IN MIDDLE SCHOOL.(grades six through eight).
i think people that believe in fairies, have the mind to accept it unlike the people that let logic kill everything imagined. What's it to you if someone believes it, they will be the ones to witness it and as for the non believers have fun never seeing anything and living in your box world.Some things are just left to be unexplained. Such as miracles, Watch out for the dream killers of the world!!
I DO believe in fairies.....I DO believe in fairies.....I DO believe in fairies.....
Well I believe in fairies because I think that there is some other world where all these beautiful creatures live.. I dont have proof but this is really strange....
Pixie! And it seems like it all this prejudice and incompetent behavior over a fact and a belief is quite entertaining! But HONESTLY, my faith lies inside ME! and Blessed be those who DO believe as well as those who DO NOT! NYAH!
The only "fairies" i have heard about are all those drag queen cops in L.A California - sometimes they give you a "pink' slip
Comments: BBC News has confirmed that the images and text above were created as an April Fools prank by Dan Baines, whose job is designing "strange and unique" illusions for stage magicians. The story of the mummified fairy's discovery was first posted in March 2007 on Baines' Website, Lebanon Circle Magic Company, where it attracted as many as 20,000 hits in a single day. After confessing to the hoax he sold the fake artifact on eBay for £280. Many people, he says, continue to insist it's real.
The prank calls to mind the infamous Cottingley Fairies hoax of 1917, wherein a pair of young British girls with too much time on their hands concocted fake photographs of tiny, humanoid fairies flitting through the air. The photos were vetted as authentic by none other than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series, and received an inordinate amount of publicity from a credulous press. It wasn't until 66 years later, in 1983, that one of the girls confessed that the fairy images had been hand-drawn and suspended in the air via hatpins to be photographed.
Gaff art
Baines' work is an outstanding example of what is called "gaff art," the use of taxidermy and prop-building techniques to create realistic-looking sideshow artifacts. One famous example was P.T. Barnum's half-ape, half-fish Feejee Mermaid, which astonished visitors to his American Museum in the mid-1800s. More recent examples, such as Juan Cabana's "Golden Mermaid" carcass, have won fame and infamy thanks to images circulated via the Internet.
How about this those who don't believe the picture is fake for those who believe the picture is real, let your belief be the judge.
so we can all get along
Are you kidding me? Fairies do exist. I live with one!!!
i never really belived in fairies or pixies but after seeing the pic and reading ur guys comments i accually do belive,thanks:)
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