Friday 16 February 2007

Worst Commercial Ever?

Is this the worst commercial ever? This guy really made a rap video for his furniture store.

4 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

i'd say it's the best commercial ever.

Unknown said...

Gerard, your description of this video says WORST commercial ever. I can only assume you mistyped and that you meant to say BEST commercial ever.

Anonymous said...

It' the best commercial ever. The point being, I now will never forget that if I want furniture, it's all at the Flea market, Montgommery, it's just like a mini mall.

Although one viewing is enough.

eedetik said...

Adakah ini perdagangan yang paling teruk? Lelaki ini benar-benar membuat video rap untuk situs prediksi bola kedai perabotnya.