Friday 16 February 2007

Save The Frogs

Ponds and swamps are becoming eerily silent. The familiar melody of ribbits, croaks and chirps is disappearing as a mysterious killer fungus wipes out frog populations around the globe, a phenomenon likened to the extinction of dinosaurs.

Scientists from around the world are meeting yesterday and today in Atlanta, USA, to organize a worldwide effort to stem the deaths by asking zoos, aquariums and botanical gardens to take in threatened frogs until the fungus can be stopped.

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

Kolam dan paya menjadi senyap. Melodi, tulang rusuk dan kicauan yang akrab menghilang sebagai pembunuh jamur misterius menghilangkan populasi katak di seluruh dunia, suatu fenomena yang situs prediksi bola disamakan dengan kepupusan dinosaurus.