Thursday 15 February 2007

Human Immortality: A Scientific Reality?

Interesting scientific essay about human immortality.
From the moment of birth, we begin the battle against death - against the inevitable. Statistics say that a newborn child can expect to live an average of 76 years. But averages may not be what they use to be. In 1786, life expectancy was 24 years. A hundred years later it doubled to 48. Right now, it's 76.

Immortality is the concept of living for a potentially infinite, or indeterminate, length of time. Throughout history, many humans have had the desire to live forever. What form an unending human life would take, or whether it's even possible, has been the subject of much speculation, fantasy, and debate.

(via Reality Carnival)

2 comment(s):

Unknown said...

The Turritopsis nutricula, a species of jellyfish, has already achieved immortality.

eedetik said...

Keabadian adalah konsep hidup untuk masa yang berpotensi tidak terbatas, atau tak dapat ditentukan. Sepanjang sejarah, ramai manusia mempunyai keinginan untuk hidup selama-lamanya. Apa yang membentuk kehidupan manusia yang tidak menentu akan diambil, atau sama ada ia mungkin, telah menjadi subjek spekulasi, fantasi, dan situs prediksi bola perdebatan.