Friday 28 January 2011

7 Terrible Things Google Doesn't Censor

Google's war against torrents is being kept quiet. No announcements. No press releases. Google is removing keywords from their Suggest and Instant results so that they are no longer recommended when people start typing them. Something as relatively harmless as downloading torrents is considered taboo on Google.

They do however autocomplete your search for how to kidnap someone, how to make mustard gas, cheat on taxes, mix meth, and build a bomb.

(via Boing Boing)

3 comment(s):

Slick said...

Please stop spreading this terrible article. It's absolutely inane. The amount of users that use torrenting greatly outnumbers the amount of users who would search for any of those other searches combined. Not to mention that those other searches do not have anything to do with the business of the internet. Companies will do anything to not have to go back on their actions and admit defeat, so the next logical solution is to censor more. So they'd have to censor based off of ethics and different opinions of ethics is the reason nothing gets done in this country. So, man up and deal with the fact that you enjoy doing something illegal. I know I do.

Anonymous said...

It's a private company, it isn't censoring. It's discretion and every company uses it as they wish. It's called Freedom. Please move somewhere else if this is a problem for you.

Anonymous said...

autocomplete sux, use:

to avoid it altogether.